Wednesday, March 2, 2011

We might not like what they have to say, but they have a right to say it.

Today on CNN Bill Mears lets us know about the supreme court ruling on whether or not a lawsuit filed against a Kansas church was a violation of their first amendment rights. The court says yes. The big issue is that this church has been protesting at military funerals. They claim that the military deaths are God punishing the U.S. for homosexuality. The family of one of the soldiers whose funeral was protested  filed  a law suit against the church for invasion of privacy and emotional distress. They won their suit. However the church appealed and after several trips to the court room have now been fully cleared of any fines for their protesting.
I absolutely disagree with this church's message. I also think that their choice to protest at a funeral shows a serious lack of class and no concern for the feelings of those mourning . But, the big picture has to be seen. No one has a right to tell us we can not speak or protest. We are not always going to like what we hear and there are always going to be people that abuse the right.  The court voting against this church's first amendment right could have paved the way to suppression of that right to all.

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